Wednesday, January 14, 2015

24 day challenge day 7: 0H, THE INSANITY!!

I'm really feeling like I am in my groove.  Got to "sleep in" today, but I still took my probiotics as soon as I woke up.  I waited a little while before taking my Spark and Catalyst since I was running later at the gym.  I ate an whole wheat English muffin with a little Peanut butter to get me started since I was starving!  The kids were great this morning so we got off without a hitch.  Next stop, the gym...

It's been at least 6 weeks since I have walked vigorously, much less ran.  But no time like the present, right? I cranked up my Jeff Galloway Easy10K app and went to it. I actually didn't do so bad considering I haven't done it in a while. The picture is a little blurry since I was moving, but I wanted to keep a record!
Once I got home from the gym, I ate some left over berry quinoa. I am starting to like it.  Since I had the morning off and lots of energy, I cleaned like a crazy person. I really wanted to take a nap, but dang that Spark, I felt rested! Yay!  My floors actually got mopped!! I had to be at Bennett's school at 12:00 so I ate an early lunch of leftover sweet potato hash. Still good:)  It was a little hard getting my water in since I was working in the classroom, but it also kept me from thinking about food.
We heard the ice cream truck as soon as we pulled in the driveway. Now, ice cream is not my thing-I have no trouble turning it down.  BUT we have lived here over 8 years and have yet to see that truck.  I have tried getting in the car and hunting it down, but nothing.  If I ever do find it, I may just have to buy something just because.  Instead, I ate an apple and some cashews. 
When Quinn got home, I ran out the door to try my very first Insanity class at Her Strength. I had no idea what I was getting into.  About 3 minutes into the warm up, I was second guessing this decision. This may be a little TMI, but let me tell you- Insanity is not for the weak bladder.  This particular session involved a lot of jumping and bouncing.  But I did love that it was set to music and fast paced so it changed right before I thought I was going to pass out.  One proud moment was the fact that I was even trying the class.  A year ago, I would have been too ashamed of my body and too out of shape to attempt it. 
My hunk of a husband fixed supper since I was being "insane."  Spaghetti squash with homemade meat sauce (we used a very lean ground beef that we got when we had a cow butchered) and a little broccoli.  That along with some Omegaplex and I was stuffed. 
To finish the night off, I had a refreshing glass of...water, some Herbal Cleanse, and Nighttime recovery. Off to dreamland!!

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