Sunday, January 18, 2015

24 day challenge day 11: traveling while on the challenge

So excited to be back on MNS today.  Those things really help with cravings.  We are going to visit my favorite Aunt and Uncle today so I had to plan very carefully how the day would go:

I started out by taking my Spark and Catalyst before 8:15 bootcamp.  I really wanted to get a workout in before having to sit in the car for several hours.  While I was at the gym, Quinn took the boys to pick us up some sandwiches (me a wrap) from Publix to have to eat on the way to the beach.  I came home, took my "before breakfast" pack and headed for the shower.  After the 30 minutes had passed, I went to mix my meal replacement shake.  Ohhh, chocolate mocha I love you!! I read a suggestion to take both "with meal" supplements at breakfast so you wouldn't forget to do it later, so that's what I did.  We packed snacks of apples, peanut butter, cashews, and rice cakes, along with snacks for the boys. I took my thermoplus before getting in the van to help keep me full so I wouldn't mindlessly snack on the way down there. 

Well, I think I had too much of a good thing.  I was queasy.  Bad.  Now, I get carsick so it could have been a combo but this felt more like too many vitamins and not enough food.  I skipped my first snack because I just didn't feel like eating.  I did manage to take my "before lunch" pack and wait long enough to eat my wrap.  Once I got it down, I felt so much better.

We had great visit.  I went for 2 pretty long walks on the beach, one with Aunt Gail and another with Bennett.  Nothing strenuous, but I was moving.  About 3:00, I sliced an apple and brought out the cashews.  Bennett and I shared the apple while Levi and I shared the nuts.  After everyone had a snack, Quinn, Aunt Gail, the boys and I went to find a geocache while the "old people" stayed at the house. It was our first time finding one with "stuff" inside. So fun. 

When we got back to the house, it was time to eat.  This was the hard part of the day.  There are not many choices in Panacea to eat and what there is serves mostly fried food.  We went to Coastal, a local seafood restaurant and I did the best I could.  Grilled grouper and scallops (which aren't grilled at all- more like sautéed) a salad, and green beans.  I feel good about my choices, but I did nibble more than I should. I am sure that will come back to bite me.

I tried to drink a good bit of water on the way home to offset the sodium intake but it's hard to balance getting enough water with not having to stop every 15 minutes to pee. 

Not the most ideal way to spend the first day on the max phase, but my family is very important to me and since they are only here for a few months, we want to see them as often as we can. 

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