Sunday, January 18, 2015

24 day challenge day 10: cleanse over

Ok, so day 10 is the day everyone weighs in and talks about the amazing amount of weight they lost on the cleanse.  I gained AGAIN!!! Not a huge gain, but still the scale is moving in the wrong direction.  I am hiding the damn scale for now because it's doing nothing but making me want to quit. 

I got up, had my last probiotic restore, some catalyst and some Spark and got ready for work.  Now, this morning, I had to skip my 5:15 gym sesh because my guy is still out of town and leaving two kids home alone is "frowned upon"  Just kidding. I don't even let my kids play in the chik fil a play ground without supervision.  Luckily, Maria offers an 8:15 class so I was able to make that after dropping everyone off.  Confession time: I liked the 5:15 class better.  Not the people or the workout, but the way I feel.  I was dragging today. 

Came home, ate another English muffin with peanut butter because I'm gonna miss that junk starting tomorrow.  Work was super slow today- only 2 appointments so I went in a did some paperwork. Ugh.  So much sitting.  I didn't eat a snack because I ate such a "late" breakfast.  Lunch was grilled chicken nuggets from Chik fila and fruit.  Afternoon snack was a banana in the car line waiting for Bennett. I never get to pick up the boys from school on Friday so I wanted to take them for a treat.  And torture myself a little.

We went to Small Cakes and Bennett got a cupcake in shake.  I don't even like ice cream but these things are the best milk shakes I have ever had.  Levi got a cookies and cream cupcake and then we picked one up for Tal since we were meeting them at the park.  I wanted to cry looking at the forbidden tower of icing. 

We took our cupcakes to the park for a playdate with Tal, Carlyn and Aunt Desta.  Of course, Tal was too busy playing to eat his cupcake and Levi only ate the icing off his.  Holy heck.  Now I have to take one and a half cupcakes home with me.  I thought about giving it to Deaven since she is the competition and everything but didn't want to be cruel.  While we were at the park, Bennett and I were able to find a geocache so that was fun and took my mind off chocolate.

Once we got too cold, we headed to Chik Fila to eat supper. Both our husbands are out of town so anything to keep the kids occupied right? This time I had grilled nuggets and a bowl of chicken tortilla soup.  Nice and filling.  But there are still cupcakes in my van...

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