Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It takes a village...

Every Labor Day weekend for as long as I have been alive has consisted of going to the Bennett family reunion. I have always enjoyed going and really look forward to seeing all of my extended family (and let me tell you there are a BUNCH of us) But this year was different for me. I guess it's because I am getting older and learning to appreciate family more, but I was so touched to be among people that truly love me.

We started the weekend off with a cookout. Growing up, this was a part of of our reunion, but hasn't been done in several years.I remember that by the end of the night everybody was in a circle with their guitars singing gospel songs. This year we had a water slide, snow cones, hay ride, and even a talent show.  Then on Sunday, we have the "big meal" and visit some more. But looking around this year, this is what touched me:
  • There was Tammy and Stephanie leading up the thing. They were the ones that I would run across the yard to and jump in their arms when I was a little girl. Now they are making sure all the kids are acting right. And let me tell you, if yours is acting up, somebody will put them in their place. And it is expected. Nobody gets mad if you set a child right.
  • Melissa was there with her camera. She was so much fun growing up. I thought she was the prettiest person I have ever seen. Now I understand her beauty isn't only on the outside. She is one of the strongest women I know.
  • Aunt Patsy and Uncle Clyde are there with Chris and Brandon and all their kids. I think that they have 6 grandsons!
  • Uncle Dennis and Aunt Pam are visiting with everybody, a grandchild in each lap. Denny and Paula are leading up the hay ride and making sure that our kids have as much fun as we did growing up.
  • William and Uncle Carol are heading up the grill and keeping everybody enjoying watching everyone.
  • Aunt Julia is just sitting back enjoying every body's company. After several years of having the stress of making sure everything is going smoothly, it's her turn to chill.
  • Aunt Pat and Tracy are trying to keep all their boys in order. That's a job let me tell you!
  • Uncle Swenson is keeping everybody laughing. 
  • Granny Myrtle, the matriarch of the family is perched in her chair as we all come to see her. She is genuinely happy to see all of us.
There are many, many more people on the scene, and some whose presence was missed,  and all of them have a very special place in my heart.  They all had a part in making me who I am today. I looked around the circle as Uncle Carol sings and I think of the love these people have for each other-despite the mistakes we have made and  the different paths we have taken,  We are family. I am so very thankful that this village raised me.

Bennett's 3rd Birthday

I love planning parties, but get very stressed out doing it. Bennett's birthday is in June so it is usually very hot. Levi was 6 months old and the hottest baby I have ever seen, so I knew I didn't need to have Bennett's birthday party outside, so I weighed my options and decided to go with JumpNJacks. 

Bennett's actual birthday is June 2. On that day, we woke him up and took him to Daylight Donuts, his favorite. He got to pick the doughnut he wanted, the one with the sprinkes of course.  When we got home, Quinn kept him inside while I got his birthday present ready. Quinn brought him out to see his new John Deere Gator (new to him, we bought it at a garage sale-those things are expensive!) Bennett does not like to be center of attention nor does he like to be put on the spot, so he was very shy at first. But once he got over that, he was all over that thing. It didn't take him long, and he was changing gears, backing up, and having a great time. We let him ride it for a while before coming in and getting ready for lunch. We had a great day, spending time together as a family and then Quinn and I taking Bennett to Wild Adventures.

We had his party on June 4. Mrs. Nancy Stalvy made him the most amazing cake. I am a little anal about some things. Shocker, I know. But he wanted a Mickey Mouse birthday party, and that just didn't go with the bounce house theme. So she made me an inflatable slide cake with Mickey sliding down. We all win!

We really had fun, and it was definately the most stress free birthday party I have ever had. I will tell you that it was HOT in there. Three in the afternoon in a warehouse full of kids makes for a very warm environment. But the kids had fun, the staff was great, and I didn't have to clean up.  We are so thankful that all of Bennett's friends were there to make his day special.
NOTE: We had someone take pictures of the party for us and none of them turned out so if you have any of this special day, please let me know!

A very different Panama City Beach- part 2

So after a restful night with a head jammed into my armpit and feet jammed into Quinn's ribs,we woke up to a beautiful day at the beach.  We had a breakfast of champions-honeybuns and chocolate milk. After about a million trips to the beach, we were ready for a day of fun in the sun.  Well, that day turned into a couple of hours.
Some serious construction is going down

Around mid day, Bennett and I went up stairs to get lunch and have him at least rest if he wouldn't get a full nap in. Levi fell asleep at the beach, so Quinn stayed down with hiim and got to enjoy some quiet time on the beach.  I have to tell you the hotel we stayed in, Legacy by the Sea, was great. When you walked in, you were in the room with the bed/tv, then you walked through a hallway that had the bathroom on one side and the "kitchen" on the other. Next was the living room, with a sleeper sofa and plenty of room, and then on to the balcony. The bedroom could be shut off from the rest of the space, so when the kids are older it will be perfect (and no one can leave without going through the bedroom-for those teenage years)

this is what the beach does to him

After naps were over, we decided to check out Gulf World.  It was really fun. I have been to all kinds of things like that, but these shows were the best I can remember. Bennett loved the Sea Lion show, and got to take his picture sitting next to Otto the Sea lion.  We also watched the dolphin show (Bennett had his picture taken with the dolphins too), the reptile show, and the bird show. Well, Quinn and I watched the bird show. Both boys were conked out by that point.  It was very kid friendly, and super educational.  We will definately be going back there if we ever go back to PCB. 

checking out the penguins

petting a sting ray
After several hours at Gulf World, we went and got dressed for supper. Finally, seafood!!  We ate a Sharky's because it was within walking distance of our hotel and very kid friendly. Let me tell you the serving sizes are ridiculous.  We had so much food left over!  But it was great. After letting Bennett play on the playground there, we made our way back to the hotel.  We hung out in the pool for a while, walked on the beach, and then got ready for bed. See how exciting we are? 

On the way home, Quinn wanted to check out Mexico beach because he wants somewhere a little less crowded. We checked out a few places, ate a a great place called The Oyster Bar, and made our way back home.  It was a great family vacation. Can't wait to do it again next time:)

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Very Different Panama City Beach- part 1

The last time I set foot on Panama City Beach, I was a Senior in high school. Several of my friends and I somehow talked our parents into letting us go spend the week there for Spring Break.  It was fun, but looking back, I wonder what my parents were thinking. Quinn went right before, and I mean like the weekend before, we started dating so his last time there was just as wild as mine.

This year, we decided to give PCB another go, but under very different circumstances. I traded my string bikini in for a very conservative one piece and Quinn's cooler of beer was now full of Capri Suns and bottled water. 
My little OCD boy lining up his animals in the room
The family vacation started off like most family vacations-chaotic. Trying get everything ready stresses me out, and getting everything packed in the truck stresses Quinn out. But we got it together and were on our way by 10:00 Sunday July 17.  We stopped in Tallahassee to eat and feed Levi. I noticed that nursing was really painful and told Quinn that if I made it through the trip, I may wean him when we got home. Later on I noticed white patches in his mouth and realized we both had thrush. Great-haven't even made it to the beach yet and already there is a problem.  I called nurse triage at SGMC and they were wonderful.  Called us in some Nyastin to a pharmacy there and we just kept on trucking.

excited about the beach
Not so excited about the beach
Before we could check in, we had to hit up the grocery store. Again, something very different than 10+ years ago happened. We weren't buying junk food and cigarettes. We were buying milk and gogurt snacks.  Finally, we made it to our room and didn't waste much time getting to the beach. Bennett has been to the beach many times and has finally gotten used to the water (he has always loved the sand) This was Levi's first trip, so we didn't know what to expect. Well, I was very suprised that he didn't like the sand more. He actually cried when I put him in it and didn't want anything to do with it. The water on the other hand, he loved. I had to muster up everything in me to take him out there in all that seaweed, but I did it and he loved splashing around and watching the waves. 

We went to Pier Park for the laser show that night. Everything was so crowded that we ended up eating a Buffalo Wild Wings of all places, but when your kids are hungry it's not wise to wait 75 minutes for a table.  Bennett had the best time with all the attractions. Again, Levi was in the sling so he was just along for the ride. About 9:30, the laser show started. I tried to record a very hilarious Bennett dancing to the music but I couldn't get the lighting just right. He had so much fun.  Levi went to sleep.  Walking back that night, we passed all kinds of young kids and college students making big party plans for the night. We were just ready to go to bed. 

watching the laser show with daddy
a very sleepy boy
One of Bennett's favorite parts about the trip was that we had a king size bed in our room. We told him he could sleep with us as a sort of treat. He has never slept with us at home, and doesn't even want to, so it was kinda cool to snuggle with him. 

Meeting Baby Tal

While we were at the beach, my sister in law, Deaven decided to have her first son, Tal Jesse Thomas. Of course, it was the one night that I left my phone in the truck so when we woke up the following morning Quinn looked at his phone and said "Deaven is in labor"  Being a man, he didn't know, or feel the need to know, any more of the details. Me, on the other hand, wanted to know EVERYTHING! I was so excited. First because someone I love very much is about to experience the best thing ever, second because babies being born is super fun, and third because that little guy is my newest nephew.  Deaven and Stewart were pretty good about keeping us posted, and we finally got the call that Tal made it here and was healthy and a cutie. 

I called Deaven and/or Mrs. Marilyn everyday to check on everyone. And let me tell you, that Deaven is a strong woman.  She had to have a dang root canal the day after coming home from the hospital.  You don't ever see that on Bringing Home Baby. Anyway, we made arrangements to go visit the following week.  We decided to leave Bennett with my parents for the weekend so I could focus on being a help, not a hinderence.  Levi went with us since he is still nursing.  It was only the second time I have left Bennett for more than a night, the first being when I was in the hospital with Levi.  It was hard on me, but he loved sleeping between Mimi and Papa.
When we got to Deaven's house, she was sleeping with Tal right next to her. I just get choked up when I see a new mama-it's such a sweet feeling to see someone loving something as much as you love your own.  boy let me tell you, that little fella is a cutie!  He has what I like to call "chicken hair," that hair that goes everywhere, and lots of it. 

I went up to help Deaven with breastfeeding, but she and Tal already had that figured out. I love seeing a breastfeeding mama. Don't get me wrong, if someone chooses not to do it that's cool. But I LOVE breastfeeding so I love sharing it with other mamas.  Quinn and I had so much fun watching Deaven and Stewart become parents.  And Levi loved meeting his new cousin.

So now that Tal is here, we get to anticipate the arrival of Quinn's brother's son, Aaron:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Levi is 8 months old

Well, another month has passed.  I know everybody talks about how quickly times goes and how fast your children grow up, but Levi seems to be in turbo mode. I guess it's because we have Bennett to keep up with too, so we don't notice those subtle changes anymore. It's almost like a soap opera- you know, when the kids go upstairs and when they come down again, they've age about 10 years.  Well, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but you get the point.

Levi is so stinking funny. He loves to laugh and to smile- and laughs and smiles at everything.  He also has a temper. Boy does he have a temper. We now have to take things away from him that may (um...WILL) end up in his mouth. And he screams-not a "you hurt my feelings" kind of scream, but an "I am so mad I could scream" kind of scream.  He has the cutest little mad face though, so I usually end up laughing at him before I can console him.  He is also into everything. I let him crawl around the other morning while I was taking care of Bennett. When I found him, he was soaking wet, with a huge smile and water droplets on those long eyelashes, next to the dog's water bowl. When I asked him what he was up to, he just laughed and laughed. I have a  feeling this is a sign of things to come.

Developmentally, he is a genius (of course) He is crawling everywhere.  He can get up on all fours but still prefers to army crawl himself around. He can go from sitting to crawling and crawling to sitting.He just recently started pulling up, but only attempts that when I am close by to save him.  He can say "dada" and "bubba". He can also say "mama" even if I am the only one that has heard him:) He loves to clap and play patty cake.  He also has learned to "motorboat" and thinks its the funniest thing ever.  He still only has two teeth, but another is bound to make its appearance any day now.

pulilng himself up in the crib
He is still in 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. Sadly, I think he is starting to wean himself. He still loves to nurse, but only when he is sleepy.  He's too busy any other time. I am still pumping while I am at work and nursing when I am off, it just takes a little longer because he stops to look around. This may have a little to do with our recent run in with thrush, when nursing wasn't fun for either of us. But we are both healed, so hopefully he will regain interest.  No solids yet, but he does love his puffs and cheerios.  He eats a whole jar of baby food at each feeding, sometimes more, and loves the baby yogurt. That boy can eat!

He still loves his brother very much. Although now we have the challenge of teaching them both to share. All in all, life is great.

playing with his Bubba

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

and I still do!

June 3, 2006 was one of the happiest days in my life. I got to marry my best friend, and the man God made just for me.  We got married at 5:00 pm on Fort Mountain in Chatsworth, GA at the Cohutta Lodge.  It was the prettiest day ever!  Even now, I wouldn't change a thing about that day.

Five years later, I can honestly say that I love Quinn more than I did standing at that alter. He is the father of my children. He is my comforter. He is my partner in everything-good and bad.  I bet I call him 10 times a day, and we always have something to talk about. I am still learning things about him- he doesn't like cheddar cheese and thinks strawberry flavoring makes every soft drink better.  He can still make me laugh. I love watching him with the boys. I think he secretly likes Thomas the Train as much as Bennett and I know he likes Kung Fu Panda even more.  We watch Jeopardy together-only in part, we have two kids, remember? He is super smart on the exact opposite things I am. 

Don't get me wrong. No marriage is perfect, just like no person is perfect. We have had disagreements on money, housing, parenting, and of course the S word!! But we have never raised our voice at each other and never said anything super hurtful in the heat of an arguement. Sometimes I want to shake him. I am sure he NEVER feels the same way:)  But overall, I would chose him to spend the day with over any other person in the world.  No matter what.  So, we have 5 years down.  And a lifetime ahead of us.

Levi is 7 months

Man, I am behind keeping up with my blogging. But, hey I am also behind on my dishes, my laundry and my gym time:)  Levi is 7 months old today. I cant believe it's been seven months since Stacy told me I had to go to the hospital to have little Levi, since yet another blue eyed boy stole my heart. 
Let's see: to share some of my wee one's accomplishments this month.  He has 2 teeth, the two bottom ones. It wasn't too terrible on him or us. A little fussy, but nothing compared to his brother (of course, he got 4 in one week) He still has all his hair and the clearest blue eyes you have ever seen. They look just like his grandma's only with the shape of mine. 

He can sit up all by himself and will probably be crawling by the time I get done writing this:) He is already rollling and army crawling everywhere that he wants to go. This creates a new chore for mama-where are all Bennett's "mouthsize" toys???  He is super happy. Smiles with his eyes and that smile will melt your heart in a second.  He is also already eating babyfood. I was not ready for this and wanted to wait until later, but he was ready. We have been through all the stage ones and most of the stage twos and the only thing that hoss doesn't eat is peas! Now, he loves peas from the garden that I make for him, but no way on the baby food.
He is right at 18 pounds and 27 inches long. Tall and thin, just like Bennett. He can still wear 6 months clothes. He was sleeping through the night, but we are dealing with an ear infection, so he wakes up about once a night.  He is the cuddliest little guy.  He loves to be held, rocked, and carried.  He is also the hottest baby I have ever seen. The poor boy sweats walking to the car.  Needless to say, he is in a diaper and onesie most of the time, and he fights about the onesie!

My favorite part about Levi getting older is that he interacts with Bennett more. Those boys sure do love each other. Bennett is a grouch in the morning, unless I "use" Levi to wake him up. Then, he hugs and loves all over him until he forgot that he just woke up.  Levi is equally as happy to see Bennett. At school, Bennett goes to visit little bro's room and it makes both of them so excited. Bennett can just start talking to Levi and he just laughs and laughs. Bennett already tries to wrestle with his little brother on the floor, and Levi doesn't seem to mind.  I think it is super cool to see the bond between them grow and I will make it my goal to encourage them to be close forever.

So, now I have a 3 year old and a 7 month old.  Life sure is getting interesting...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Beginning of Us

Quinn and I  have known each other forever. We both were dating someone serious through high school so the thought of dating each other never crossed our mind.  We both moved away briefly after graduating. Him to go to ABAC and me to Tallahassee.  When we moved back, I saw Quinn randomly when I went to rent movies (he worked at the local video store) but that was really about it. Until, a friend of ours had a party. We were both there with our own group of friends, but being from a small town means that those groups typically overlap.  Quinn and I spent a little while just catching up before he and his friends left.  It was a few weeks later when we saw each other again. His roomates were always having people over and I was always invited.  I don't think either one of us had any interest in each other to start with. We had both just gotten out of relationships and needed time to recover.  Anyway, we were always "just friends" hanging out.

One night, I met Quinn and our friends at Mellow Mushroom.  I told him that I was going to marry him one day. He said ok and that was that. Still no dating involved. We were both just kinda content with being there for each other through our breakups.  As time passed, we talked on the phone more and more. I used to put jigsaw puzzles together and we would talk while I worked on a puzzle. I was working on a puzzle of the twin towers when I invited him over to help me.  He started coming over more and more often to help me work on our puzzle. At the time, he was working in construction and all his construction buddies gave him a hard time about helping me with a puzzle. I had no idea about that until we were close to finishing our puzzle. He told me one day " I don't want to finish the puzzle" When I asked him why, he said because everybody at work teased him and said as soon as we finished the puzzle, I wouldn't need him around anymore. So, I looked at him and with all seriousness said "well, then let's not finish it."  That puzzle is hanging in our house now, still missing a piece.

So, we began dating after that. Sometime around May I think.  This relationship was different for the both of us. It was just so easy. Now, we definately hit some rough patches but for the most part it just seemed like we had always been a couple. We were each other's missing piece.  About 2 years after that puzzle wasn't finished, Quinn finally asked me to marry him.  We had been together so long, that I just knew every event that came and went would be "the day" Our anniversary, my graduation, anything.  I sorta thought he would ask when we went to the beach with my family, but thought it would be the last day so I could hurry home and tell my friends. NOPE. The very first day at the beach.  I knew he was acting weird, but couldn't figure out why.  So, when he asked me at Sunset at my favorite beach ever, I said YES! All I wanted to do was ask questions, when did he get the ring, did he pick it out, etc. All he wanted to do was relax. He was so nervous.  We went back to the room and told my parents (they already knew, of course), I called my best friend and then we waited to get home to tell everyone else. It was the best vacation ever.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I love my butt...

Ok, I wasn't going to post this one, but after sharing it with my bible study ladies, I thought you might enjoy it. Maybe get a good laugh, maybe relate to it a little.

My sister in law, Deaven sent me an email a while back with a link to a Girlfriends In God devotion. I have always struggled with my weight. And after having Levi, have tried very hard, with no success, to get my body back.  Weight issues almost always lead to body image issues, so it took me a while to want to take on this devotion. But I did, and it actually felt pretty good. And it made me cry. And smile. And realize that God made me in His image, and gave me a husband that thinks I am beautiful in spite of my flaws.

  • I love my hair.  It feels so good to be brushed and it makes me feel like a girl when I fix it.
  • I love my eyes. I can see my daddy in them.
  • I love my nose. I think it's cute
  • I love my mouth. There's a lot of money in this grill
  • I love my ears. I can hear my kid's laugh.
  • I love my neck. It keeps my head on straight :)
  • I love my skin. It show's my heritage.
  • I love my breasts. They have fed my boys.
  • I love my arms. I can hug my husband.
  • I love my hands. They are my livelihood.
  • I love my fingers. I have them to interlace with my loves.
  • I love my belly, stretch marks and all (welll, I am still working on this) It reminds me that I carried chidlren in my body.
  • I love my butt. It fills out my pants. (and then some)
  • I love my legs. They are strong.
  • I love my feet. They take me where I need to go.
  • I love my toes. I can pick things up with them.
So, there. I do love my body. The one my Creator made for me. I will probably always struggle  with my body image, but I will contine to pray that I can see myself as God sees me: wonderfully made in His likeness.

Swamp People

I have been dying to take Bennett to Okefenokee Swamp all year, but it seemed like we always had something going on. When we go see my parents, he loves riding on the golf cart to the pond and "gator hunting" so I knew he would like to see a lot of gators.  Finally, we had a weekend free and it just so happened to be mother's day weekend. I called my mom to see if she and daddy wanted to go with us. Always up for a road trip, she said sure and away we went.
It has been at least 15 years since either Quinn or I had been to the swamp, but it is exactly as I remembered it. Hot, lots of alligators, and even more bugs.  I do not enjoy any of those things. However, having an excited blonde hair boy to share it with made it so much more enjoyable.  As soon as we walked through the store into the "swamp," an alligator was there to welcome us in.  I've never really thought that I was scared of alligators but as this thing was making eye contact, it occured to me that if he darted toward us, one of us was a goner. So my perspective changed a bit-no alligators gonna eat my babies (or husband, or parents) So I decided it was a good time to tell Bennett all the rules- you know, never get too far away from us, don't lean over the railing, etc. The stuff that we hated hearing as kids. 

Bennett was mesmerized by all the alligators.  One thing I have learned about my boy is he DOES NOT get in a hurry. He was a week late entering this world, and hasn't gotten in a rush since.  It took about 15 minutes or so to walk 100 feet, but hey, why should we be in a hurry-nothing else to look at but more alligators. And turtles. And an otter. The otter was pretty cool, but also kinda sad. He was all alone in the cage and it made me feel bad for him.  Once we finally got done with the first board walk, we made our way to the nature show.  I have an extreme dislike for snakes and of course a nature show in the swamp is not complete without snakes.  Lucky for me, Bennett loves them. I am so glad that I have a tough, macho husband that can handle the snake stuff. Bennett touched everyone that came by while Levi and I watched from a distance.  Bennett was done with the show before it was over so we moved on. One day we are going to realize that we just take the stroller to wheel our stuff around. Bennett walks just about everywhere and between mama and me, Levi was carried the whole time. 
Our next stop was to see Ole Roy. He is a huge, stuffed alligator in a room all his own. I have pictures of me and John with Ole Roy when I was little, so it was really important to me to get some of my boys with him. As well as some of all of us. Quinn and Bennett did not see the importance, but humored me anyway.  Then on to the train. I thought the train would be a nice time to rest. Nope- it was in the sun, with no shade and bugs.  The driver/guide was great though.  He sounded and looked like he had just come off an episode of "Swamp People"  We got a kick out of listen him talk and say things like "tuurs" and "idee"   After we got done with our train "tuur", we headed down another boardwalk to enjoy more nature (aka :bugs)  My sweet little Bennett had to stop and pick up every leaf and stick and throw it back into the woods. Bless him- he gets that from his mama.  Once we got to the end of the boarwalk, we sat at a gazebo and enjoyed the breeze while I fed Levi and Bennett and Mama looked for fish. 

Finally, it was time to head home.  We were all worn out. But we were all smiling.  And we were all together.  I love those kind of days.

Monday, May 2, 2011

He's Growing Up

Five months can be measured in all sorts of ways. For my military wife friend, it's links across her kids room to show how long it will be before her husband comes home. For my pregnant sister in law, it's a picture of a baby bump and reassurance that she is over half way there. For me, it's written all over my little Levi.  It's not swaddling him anymore, but putting him in his bed and watching him roll around until he is comfortable.  It's playing "airplane" instead of hold his head steady. It's seeing him smile and laugh at his brother. It's all those things, and much more.

Three weeks ago, my baby starting eating cereal. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it's one step closer to eating real food. I documented everything with Bennett, and I am determined to do my best to make just as big a deal for Levi.  I really wanted to wait until around 6 months to start any form of solids because of Bennett's allergies. But one thing I have learned from parenting is that what you want isn't always how it works.  Levi was showing signs for a couple of weeks: reaching for my spoon, watching us eat, etc but I just couldn't figure out a time that all of us could be together for this milestone.  We started it on April 17 and Bennett was the first one to put a spoon in his mouth. Levi didn't miss a drop-ate the entire bowl and probably would have eaten more if I let him. He was a pro.  And big brother did so good feeding him, patient and gentle. I loved watching both of them.  That first week, Levi got cereal every evening. Now he is getting it most mornings and most evenings. As long as he is happy with that, we will wait to introduce other solids. 

Today was another monumental day. Levi started daycare. Alisha, a good friend of mine since high school has been keeping him at our house since he was 6 weeks old (I only work 3 days a week). Let me tell you that was an answered prayer.  We had an awesome lady from church keep Bennett for the first year and would have loved to have done that with Levi but Alisha is expecting her own little one so she committed to 5 months.  It was so nice not having to get two kids ready to go to school, and knowing that someone was loving on MY baby all day long.  When I dropped Bennett off for his first day of school, I had to pull over I was crying so hard. I ended up cancelling my afternoon appoinments so I could go get him instead of Quinn picking him up. This time around, I knew what to do. I packed everything up last night, including a list of "helpful hints," labeled his bottles for what feeding they were to be given (they were all the same, but it made me feel better) and got up early enough to spend some time reading my Bible to help with the anxiety.  Now, I know he was going to be fine, I just wasn't sure I was going to be. 

When we got to school, Bennett was so excited to have Levi with him. I took him with me to Levi's room so he would know where his little brother was going to be, let him tell Levi bye and then got Bennett settled in.  Back to Levi's room I went. With my list of hints and camera, I am sure that they ladies thought I was crazy. I rambled on and put off leaving for as long as I could. I told them I would be back by two to get him.  When I left, he was in an exersaucer playing and laughing.  I got in my car, and cried.  Not bawled like before, but still cried.  All day I thought about calling but I managed to wait it out. When I went to pick him up, he was asleep and they told me that he acted like a pro. Didn't fuss at all- had fun looking at himself in the mirror most of the day:)  Bennett was so excited to have spent the day at school with his little brother, eventhough they didn't even see each other. When I asked Bennett what he thought about Levi sharing his school he looked at me, smiled and said "He's growing up mommy"

Yes he is son.  Yes he is. 


I love Easter. The cute clothes, the spring decorations, and the Easter Candy.  Of course, I love it for the biggest reason, the Resurrection of my Savior. It is my favorite holiday and I am really enjoying now that I have children. I have so much fun putting together their Easter baskets (we don't really do the whole Easter Bunny thing, but do give them baskets) This year was no exception. I shopped for all kinds of little things to fill the baskets and make my little ones smile.  Shopping for Bennett is hard only because I have to make myself stop. Anything that I think he will like, I want to buy. But, as a family on a budget, I have to control myself.  Levi was easy to buy for because he has no idea what Easter is about. We were a little more unorgainized this year, and boy could I feel it!

When Bennett and Levi woke up, we gave them their Easter baskets. It was so much fun watching Bennett get excited about what was in his and helping Levi get his goodies out.  Mistake number one on my part was not waiting until after church for the basket.  It took us forever to get Bennett to put away his bubbles and stamps so we could head to church.

 Church was packed!! Quinn had to drop me and the kids off at the door to find somewhere to park.  After getting the boys settled into their rooms, I found Quinn who had been recruited to usher. So, in I went. The worship was amazing.  The service was great, as usual. It took us a while to get out of the building because of the crowd. This is when the chaos really began. My shoe broke while I ran into the house to get everything we needed to take to Quinn's parents.  (I forgot the eggs and had to run back in later) Bennett forgot his bunny at church so we had to go back by there- I went in barefoot while Quinn fixed my shoe. Then we had to make a quick Wal-Mart trip for some last minute items.  I fed Levi while Quinn and Bennett went in.  Finally, we had everything we needed to go to our parents house.

Every year, for as long as I can remember, my daddy and I have shared a very special Easter tradition. When I was younger, he and I would go and pick Easter lillies on the side of the road to put on his parent's grave. Mama stayed home and cooked so it was just our time. I never knew my grandparents, so I loved him telling me stories about them.  Last year, Bennett started joining us. It was so special for me to be able to pass this along to my son, as I know one day we will be doing the same tradtion.  Well, because I didn't have it together this year, we didn't have time to go by there before we needed to be at the Hadsock's for lunch.  I was so sad, but my dad understood. We went over there later in the week and were able to continue our tradition-bringing Quinn and Levi along with us.

We went to Quinn's parents for lunch and egg hunting. Bennett just loves his cousin Jaxon, so we couldn't get him to eat anything!   They ran around playing the whole time. Deaven and Stewart  (and Deaven's baby bump, Tal) were home from Canton, so it was great getting to spend time with them and talk "baby."  Nicole, Dustin's girlfriend, joined in on the baby convo, even though she doesn't know what baby H is yet. I don't know what it is about women, get us together and all we can talk about is pregnancy, babies to come, and and the babies we have. I also got to meet baby Talmadge, Quinn's cousin Paul's 4th child, but first son.  Man how quickly you forget how small they are.

Anyway, onto the good stuff. Bennett could not wait to hunt Easter Eggs.  He is just learning to play hide and seek and thinks it's the best game ever (he usually hides and then comes out of hiding to scare me) The guys went and hid tons of eggs while we kept the kids occupied inside.  Once all the eggs were hidden, we took the kids to the porch for the traditional picture and rules of the hunt.  And then it was ON!! Bennett is such a sweetie that he found eggs and put them in other people's baskets. He liked finding them, but he wanted all the leaves off them, and had to put them in his basket just so.  He also, didn't get the urgency of finding an egg, and then running to find another. He wanted to savor the egg he just found, not worried to much about finding another.  I took that as a lesson for me.  Why on earth do we have to rush through something good just to do something else? Who care how many eggs you have at the end of the hunt? As long as you enjoyed finding the ones you have, the amount shouldn't matter.

After the hunt, it was time to wrap the day up.  We cleaned up, packed up, and headed home. Both boys were asleep before we got out of the driveway. What a fun day!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Good Bye Gymnastics...

We started taking parent/child gymnastics classes in the fall of 2009. Bennett was just over a year and didn't show much interest in it. I, too, was a little concerned. I thought the class would be a great way for me to meet moms with kids around the same age as Bennett, and an outlet for some of his energy.

When I left that first class, I sat in my car and cried. All the moms already knew each other and didn't even introduce themselves to me. And Bennett was not loving it. He had a meltdown about 1/2 through the class. I called my friend, Mary, and told her all about it.  She assured me that both situations were normal, and we would both find our place soon enough. So, I didn't give up. The next week, I was so anxious but Bennett did a little better. He hated the pit- a pit full of foam squares that is most kid's dream (kinda like a ball pit, but softer) I made some of the ladies talk to me, and I actually liked them once I got to know them.  But he loved getting stamps, and the bubbles at the end were his favorite.  I'd have to watch him to be sure he didn't knock the other kids down.

Fast forward almost 2 years.  We have kinda made the gym a home. Every Tuesday, excluding the summer, Bennett had a date with the trampoline. I went until I was 38 weeks pregnant, (Levi was born at 39) and took December off since they were only open 2 weeks.  I had planned on leaving Levi with my mom and making that time just about Bennett and me. But there was no way that I was going to get Bennet to go without his new baby brother. So, I "wore" Levi while I chased Bennett around the gym.  We tackled the bars, balanced on the beam, jumped on the tramp, and yes, even dove into the pit.  As Levi got older, the instructor Mary got her baby fix with Levi while I played with my big boy. I really looked forward to that time with him.  After class, I would usually take Bennett to lunch-his choice. We ate a lot of Chik Fila and even more hot dogs. 

Today was our very last clas Mary will be moving soon, so she is no longer teaching. Also Bennett will be 3 in June. He will then go to preschool classes, ones that I cannot go onto the floor with him. We may continue with those classes, but I am not sure how he will do without me (or how I will do without him) Once again, I wanted to share today with just him, but he wanted Levi to go.  He enjoyed showing  Levi how to do all the elements. It has been so fun to watch him go from that shy, scared blonde baby to a little boy who thinks he owns the place.  I am so glad to have had the opportunity to share this expererience with him. And eventhough I know he probably won't remember it, I will cherish the memories enough for the both of us. 

So, now I look forward. To karate, and little league, and whatever else this little guy wants to throw my way.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Loving Jesus- a poem

I found this one night looking around the internet and just loved it.  The link is at the bottom. There's lots of good stuff on it.

I  started my day early,
Before the room was light.
I lifted my son from his crib
And wished it was still night.
But as I held him close and said,
"Hi, Kenneth, precious one,"
I knew that as I greeted him,
I greeted too God's Son.

When my daughter woke up later,
Calling, "Mommy!  Mommy!  Down!"
I picked her up and hugged her
In her worn Elmo nightgown.
I know she felt the closeness
That a mother's touch affords.
I welcomed not just Ellie,
But so, too, the Lord of Lords.

That day, I mixed some formula
And opened jars of peas.
I fixed some "pizza butter" bread
When she grinned and said, "Pleeeeease."
I heated up some leftovers;
I had to nuke them twice.
And when I fed my children,
I was feeding Jesus Christ.

I made some funny faces,
And "played puzzles" on the floor.
I dressed kitties, ran around outside,
And played with them some more.
We laughed and jumped and tickled,
Making memories to be stored.
When I spent time with my children,
I spent time with my Lord.

I wiped up sticky cereal
And washed the dishes clean.
I straightened, picked up, put away,
And dusted in between.
I did six loads of laundry
And folded it like new.
When I cleaned for my children,
I cleaned for my Savior, too.

When my children were both crying,
I held them in my arms.
I cuddled them and whispered
That I'd keep them safe from harm.
I told them how their Father saved them
With His perfect Lamb.
When I comforted my children,
I comforted I AM.

Later on that evening,
I put them in the bath.
I washed their little bodies
As they kicked around and splashed.
I dried them in soft towels
And put their jammies on.
When I had washed my children's feet,
I'd washed the Holy One.

I cooked and cleaned and rearranged,
Made beds and taught and played.
I made sure that we had food to eat
And that we often prayed.
I died to self.  I made a home
From ordinary things.
But when I served my children,
I served the King of Kings.

To some, I have done nothing,
But to two, I've done the world.
I made eternal difference
To my precious boy and girl,
And to the One who watches over
Every pathway that I've trod.
For when I've loved my precious children,
I've loved Almighty God.

 - Megan Breedlove (

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Perfectly Imperfect

I am in slap dab in the middle of a bible study call Victoriously Frazzled. Let me tell you that this thing could have been written for me and/or about me.  With a husband that works long hours and is in graduate school, two boys under 3, family that expects to see us regularly (and rightfully so), and church I stay frazzled.  Anyway, last week I spent a lot of time dealing with my inner, and outer, control freak. This led me to think about why I feel the need to be in control of everything. Some of it is pressure from the outside, but a lot of it comes from within.

The desire to be perfect is something I have always possesed.  When I was in 1st grade and got the chicken pox, I was devastated that mama wouldn't let me go to school so I could keep my perfect attendence. I strived to get good grades- the perfect score on everything, to the point of obssessing and giving myself hives. I want to be the perfect friend, the perfect daughter, the perfect wife, the perfect mom, the perfect housekeeper,  the perfect career woman. Every aspect of my life, I strive to be perfect.  But at what expense? Am I missing out on the blessings I am getting because I think if I do it better, I will get "bigger" blessing. Not that I think trying to be perfect is always a bad thing, but I do think it gets in the way of being what God intends for me to be- a beautiful mess:) So, my new task for myself is to accept myself as perfectly imperfect.

I may never have the perfectly clean house, but it is filled with laughter.
I may go through the drive through instead of cooking a night or two, but my kids will still be fed.
I may put my children to bed without a bath, but never without a hug and an "I love you"
I may lose my patients with people (friends, family, strangers) but I will continue to pray about the way I handle it.
I may get frazzled with my husband but I will never forget how much he does for our family.
I may never be the size I "want" to be but I can and will strive to be the healthiest me possible.

Friday, April 15, 2011

my boys

No blog with this title would be complete without a little more information about who it was named for. So, I have decided to give you a little summary about the men in my life. I am sure you will find out more about them as time comes, but here is a little peek:

I met Quinn in kindergarten. I don't really remember meeting him, just remember him always being there. He was the quiet kid in elementary school. In middle school, our classes seeme to be opposite, but because our school was so small, we knew everybody. In high school, he was "Sarah's boyfriend"  We had some classes together, and even went to prom, but neither one of us was really interested in dating each other. We both moved away to college for a while, ran into each other several years later and became friends. Again, no interest in dating (eventhough I told him I was going to marry him one day.)  Three years after running into each other, we got married. It was a perfect day. I can tell you that I loved him more than anything that day, but as I watch him with our boys, I love him even more today.  He is my best friend- the one I call a million times a day to tell him every little thing. He is my support. He works hard so I can be home with Bennett and Levi as much as possible. He wants to better himself-as a father, as a husband, as a teacher, and as a man of God.  He makes me laugh. He always sings the wrong words to a song and know every Heisman trophy winner in order. He procrastinates and it drives me crazy, but he always gets it done and gets it done well. I hope our boys grow up to be just like their daddy.
LCHS prom 1998
Georgia vs. Auburn 2007

Bennett came along almost exactly 2 years after we got married, the day before to be exact.  A week late, he still has a mind of his own.  When they put that 10 pound baby on my chest, I knew I would never be the same. In 2 1/2 years, I have fallen more and more in love with that kid. He is super smart, too smart sometimes. But what is the most amazing thing about Bennett is his kindness. He is the sweetest child I have ever seen.  He cares about other kids; wants to help out whenever he can.  A lady at his daycare gave the best compliiment I think he will ever get.  She said " I think that that's how Jesus was when he was a little boy"  He never meets a stranger (no idea where he got that from)  He loves to be outside, hates loud noises, and would eat candy all day long. I am convinced he is going to be a veternarian when he is older because he is obsessed with animals, both real and plastic.  He is a perfectionist (again, no idea) but loves to make a mess. He likes to read, especially his 'bible study'. He is so fun and I am so glad God let me be his mama.
trying to fill daddy's shoes

Just over 4 months ago, we were blessed with the arrival of Levi.  As soon as he got here, we knew this little guy was not like his brother. Even from the delivery, they were different.  Levi proved to be a handful in the first couple of month, only wanting to sleep when I was holding him.  The recliner was the best purchase during that time.  I am pretty sure he is going to be our clown-always laughing and smiling.  He doesn't like to take naps, too busy to sleep. He loves TV- already watches it more than Bennett does.  He seems to be a pretty go with the flow kind of kid.  We take him everywhere, strap him in the sling and he just goes with it.  He's even already been down an inflatable slide.  He wants to crawl so bad he can't stand it.  Thankfully, he is a night sleeper. I am so excited to learn more and more about him as he gets older.

just checking things out
Of course, I have Peanut (the cat) as well. Not much to say about him. He's super fat, super lazy and super funny. 

he just had a haircut
So, that's my sweet boys.   I can't imagine life without them.