Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It takes a village...

Every Labor Day weekend for as long as I have been alive has consisted of going to the Bennett family reunion. I have always enjoyed going and really look forward to seeing all of my extended family (and let me tell you there are a BUNCH of us) But this year was different for me. I guess it's because I am getting older and learning to appreciate family more, but I was so touched to be among people that truly love me.

We started the weekend off with a cookout. Growing up, this was a part of of our reunion, but hasn't been done in several years.I remember that by the end of the night everybody was in a circle with their guitars singing gospel songs. This year we had a water slide, snow cones, hay ride, and even a talent show.  Then on Sunday, we have the "big meal" and visit some more. But looking around this year, this is what touched me:
  • There was Tammy and Stephanie leading up the thing. They were the ones that I would run across the yard to and jump in their arms when I was a little girl. Now they are making sure all the kids are acting right. And let me tell you, if yours is acting up, somebody will put them in their place. And it is expected. Nobody gets mad if you set a child right.
  • Melissa was there with her camera. She was so much fun growing up. I thought she was the prettiest person I have ever seen. Now I understand her beauty isn't only on the outside. She is one of the strongest women I know.
  • Aunt Patsy and Uncle Clyde are there with Chris and Brandon and all their kids. I think that they have 6 grandsons!
  • Uncle Dennis and Aunt Pam are visiting with everybody, a grandchild in each lap. Denny and Paula are leading up the hay ride and making sure that our kids have as much fun as we did growing up.
  • William and Uncle Carol are heading up the grill and keeping everybody enjoying watching everyone.
  • Aunt Julia is just sitting back enjoying every body's company. After several years of having the stress of making sure everything is going smoothly, it's her turn to chill.
  • Aunt Pat and Tracy are trying to keep all their boys in order. That's a job let me tell you!
  • Uncle Swenson is keeping everybody laughing. 
  • Granny Myrtle, the matriarch of the family is perched in her chair as we all come to see her. She is genuinely happy to see all of us.
There are many, many more people on the scene, and some whose presence was missed,  and all of them have a very special place in my heart.  They all had a part in making me who I am today. I looked around the circle as Uncle Carol sings and I think of the love these people have for each other-despite the mistakes we have made and  the different paths we have taken,  We are family. I am so very thankful that this village raised me.

Bennett's 3rd Birthday

I love planning parties, but get very stressed out doing it. Bennett's birthday is in June so it is usually very hot. Levi was 6 months old and the hottest baby I have ever seen, so I knew I didn't need to have Bennett's birthday party outside, so I weighed my options and decided to go with JumpNJacks. 

Bennett's actual birthday is June 2. On that day, we woke him up and took him to Daylight Donuts, his favorite. He got to pick the doughnut he wanted, the one with the sprinkes of course.  When we got home, Quinn kept him inside while I got his birthday present ready. Quinn brought him out to see his new John Deere Gator (new to him, we bought it at a garage sale-those things are expensive!) Bennett does not like to be center of attention nor does he like to be put on the spot, so he was very shy at first. But once he got over that, he was all over that thing. It didn't take him long, and he was changing gears, backing up, and having a great time. We let him ride it for a while before coming in and getting ready for lunch. We had a great day, spending time together as a family and then Quinn and I taking Bennett to Wild Adventures.

We had his party on June 4. Mrs. Nancy Stalvy made him the most amazing cake. I am a little anal about some things. Shocker, I know. But he wanted a Mickey Mouse birthday party, and that just didn't go with the bounce house theme. So she made me an inflatable slide cake with Mickey sliding down. We all win!

We really had fun, and it was definately the most stress free birthday party I have ever had. I will tell you that it was HOT in there. Three in the afternoon in a warehouse full of kids makes for a very warm environment. But the kids had fun, the staff was great, and I didn't have to clean up.  We are so thankful that all of Bennett's friends were there to make his day special.
NOTE: We had someone take pictures of the party for us and none of them turned out so if you have any of this special day, please let me know!

A very different Panama City Beach- part 2

So after a restful night with a head jammed into my armpit and feet jammed into Quinn's ribs,we woke up to a beautiful day at the beach.  We had a breakfast of champions-honeybuns and chocolate milk. After about a million trips to the beach, we were ready for a day of fun in the sun.  Well, that day turned into a couple of hours.
Some serious construction is going down

Around mid day, Bennett and I went up stairs to get lunch and have him at least rest if he wouldn't get a full nap in. Levi fell asleep at the beach, so Quinn stayed down with hiim and got to enjoy some quiet time on the beach.  I have to tell you the hotel we stayed in, Legacy by the Sea, was great. When you walked in, you were in the room with the bed/tv, then you walked through a hallway that had the bathroom on one side and the "kitchen" on the other. Next was the living room, with a sleeper sofa and plenty of room, and then on to the balcony. The bedroom could be shut off from the rest of the space, so when the kids are older it will be perfect (and no one can leave without going through the bedroom-for those teenage years)

this is what the beach does to him

After naps were over, we decided to check out Gulf World.  It was really fun. I have been to all kinds of things like that, but these shows were the best I can remember. Bennett loved the Sea Lion show, and got to take his picture sitting next to Otto the Sea lion.  We also watched the dolphin show (Bennett had his picture taken with the dolphins too), the reptile show, and the bird show. Well, Quinn and I watched the bird show. Both boys were conked out by that point.  It was very kid friendly, and super educational.  We will definately be going back there if we ever go back to PCB. 

checking out the penguins

petting a sting ray
After several hours at Gulf World, we went and got dressed for supper. Finally, seafood!!  We ate a Sharky's because it was within walking distance of our hotel and very kid friendly. Let me tell you the serving sizes are ridiculous.  We had so much food left over!  But it was great. After letting Bennett play on the playground there, we made our way back to the hotel.  We hung out in the pool for a while, walked on the beach, and then got ready for bed. See how exciting we are? 

On the way home, Quinn wanted to check out Mexico beach because he wants somewhere a little less crowded. We checked out a few places, ate a a great place called The Oyster Bar, and made our way back home.  It was a great family vacation. Can't wait to do it again next time:)