Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bennett's 3rd Birthday

I love planning parties, but get very stressed out doing it. Bennett's birthday is in June so it is usually very hot. Levi was 6 months old and the hottest baby I have ever seen, so I knew I didn't need to have Bennett's birthday party outside, so I weighed my options and decided to go with JumpNJacks. 

Bennett's actual birthday is June 2. On that day, we woke him up and took him to Daylight Donuts, his favorite. He got to pick the doughnut he wanted, the one with the sprinkes of course.  When we got home, Quinn kept him inside while I got his birthday present ready. Quinn brought him out to see his new John Deere Gator (new to him, we bought it at a garage sale-those things are expensive!) Bennett does not like to be center of attention nor does he like to be put on the spot, so he was very shy at first. But once he got over that, he was all over that thing. It didn't take him long, and he was changing gears, backing up, and having a great time. We let him ride it for a while before coming in and getting ready for lunch. We had a great day, spending time together as a family and then Quinn and I taking Bennett to Wild Adventures.

We had his party on June 4. Mrs. Nancy Stalvy made him the most amazing cake. I am a little anal about some things. Shocker, I know. But he wanted a Mickey Mouse birthday party, and that just didn't go with the bounce house theme. So she made me an inflatable slide cake with Mickey sliding down. We all win!

We really had fun, and it was definately the most stress free birthday party I have ever had. I will tell you that it was HOT in there. Three in the afternoon in a warehouse full of kids makes for a very warm environment. But the kids had fun, the staff was great, and I didn't have to clean up.  We are so thankful that all of Bennett's friends were there to make his day special.
NOTE: We had someone take pictures of the party for us and none of them turned out so if you have any of this special day, please let me know!

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