Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Levi is 7 months

Man, I am behind keeping up with my blogging. But, hey I am also behind on my dishes, my laundry and my gym time:)  Levi is 7 months old today. I cant believe it's been seven months since Stacy told me I had to go to the hospital to have little Levi, since yet another blue eyed boy stole my heart. 
Let's see: to share some of my wee one's accomplishments this month.  He has 2 teeth, the two bottom ones. It wasn't too terrible on him or us. A little fussy, but nothing compared to his brother (of course, he got 4 in one week) He still has all his hair and the clearest blue eyes you have ever seen. They look just like his grandma's only with the shape of mine. 

He can sit up all by himself and will probably be crawling by the time I get done writing this:) He is already rollling and army crawling everywhere that he wants to go. This creates a new chore for mama-where are all Bennett's "mouthsize" toys???  He is super happy. Smiles with his eyes and that smile will melt your heart in a second.  He is also already eating babyfood. I was not ready for this and wanted to wait until later, but he was ready. We have been through all the stage ones and most of the stage twos and the only thing that hoss doesn't eat is peas! Now, he loves peas from the garden that I make for him, but no way on the baby food.
He is right at 18 pounds and 27 inches long. Tall and thin, just like Bennett. He can still wear 6 months clothes. He was sleeping through the night, but we are dealing with an ear infection, so he wakes up about once a night.  He is the cuddliest little guy.  He loves to be held, rocked, and carried.  He is also the hottest baby I have ever seen. The poor boy sweats walking to the car.  Needless to say, he is in a diaper and onesie most of the time, and he fights about the onesie!

My favorite part about Levi getting older is that he interacts with Bennett more. Those boys sure do love each other. Bennett is a grouch in the morning, unless I "use" Levi to wake him up. Then, he hugs and loves all over him until he forgot that he just woke up.  Levi is equally as happy to see Bennett. At school, Bennett goes to visit little bro's room and it makes both of them so excited. Bennett can just start talking to Levi and he just laughs and laughs. Bennett already tries to wrestle with his little brother on the floor, and Levi doesn't seem to mind.  I think it is super cool to see the bond between them grow and I will make it my goal to encourage them to be close forever.

So, now I have a 3 year old and a 7 month old.  Life sure is getting interesting...


  1. Aww. Little Levi is growing up on us. He is so stinking cute! But Amanda, I know you're busy, but Bennett is 3 not 2! Wow! He's growing up on us too! lol

  2. oh my! I can't believe I wrote that. He sure is 3 and he will tell you all about his birthday!
